Source code for dask_distance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy

import dask
import dask.array

from . import _compat
from . import _pycompat
from . import _utils

from ._version import get_versions
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions

__author__ = """John Kirkham"""
__email__ = ""

#                                     #
#  Distance matrix functions          #
#                                     #

[docs]def cdist(XA, XB, metric="euclidean", **kwargs): """ Finds the distance matrix using the metric on each pair of points. Args: XA: 2-D array of points XB: 2-D array of points metric: string or callable **kwargs: provided to the metric (see below) Keyword Args: p: p-norm for minkowski only (default: 2) V: 1-D array of variances for seuclidean only (default: estimated from XA and XB) VI: Inverse of the covariance matrix for mahalanobis only (default: estimated from XA and XB) w: 1-D array of weights for wminkowski only (required) Returns: array: distance between each combination of points """ func_mappings = { "braycurtis": braycurtis, "canberra": canberra, "chebyshev": chebyshev, "cityblock": cityblock, "correlation": correlation, "cosine": cosine, "dice": dice, "euclidean": euclidean, "hamming": hamming, "jaccard": jaccard, "kulsinski": kulsinski, "mahalanobis": mahalanobis, "minkowski": minkowski, "rogerstanimoto": rogerstanimoto, "russellrao": russellrao, "sokalmichener": sokalmichener, "sokalsneath": sokalsneath, "seuclidean": seuclidean, "sqeuclidean": sqeuclidean, "wminkowski": wminkowski, "yule": yule, } result = None if callable(metric): XA = _compat._asarray(XA) XB = _compat._asarray(XB) XA = XA.astype(float) XB = XB.astype(float) XA_bc, XB_bc = _utils._broadcast_uv(XA, XB) XA_bc = XA_bc.rechunk(XA_bc.chunks[:-1] + ((XA_bc.shape[-1],),)) XB_bc = XB_bc.rechunk(XB_bc.chunks[:-1] + ((XB_bc.shape[-1],),)) result = dask.array.atop( _utils._cdist_apply, "ij", XA_bc, "ijk", XB_bc, "ijk", dtype=float, concatenate=True, metric=metric ) else: try: metric = metric.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass metric = func_mappings[metric] if metric == mahalanobis: if "VI" not in kwargs: kwargs["VI"] = ( dask.array.linalg.inv( dask.array.cov(dask.array.vstack([XA, XB]).T) ).T ) elif metric == minkowski: kwargs.setdefault("p", 2) elif metric == seuclidean: if "V" not in kwargs: kwargs["V"] = ( dask.array.var(dask.array.vstack([XA, XB]), axis=0, ddof=1) ) elif metric == wminkowski: kwargs.setdefault("p", 2) result = metric(XA, XB, **kwargs) return result
[docs]def pdist(X, metric="euclidean", **kwargs): """ Finds the pairwise condensed distance matrix using the metric. Args: X: 2-D array of points metric: string or callable **kwargs: provided to the metric (see below) Keyword Args: p: p-norm for minkowski only (default: 2) V: 1-D array of variances for seuclidean only (default: estimated from X) VI: Inverse of the covariance matrix for mahalanobis only (default: estimated from X) w: 1-D array of weights for wminkowski only (required) Returns: array: condensed distance between each pair Note: Tries to avoid redundant computations as much as possible. However this is limited in its ability to do this based on the chunk size of X (particularly along the first dimension). Smaller chunks will increase savings though there may be other tradeoffs. """ X = _compat._atleast_2d(X).astype(float) if not callable(metric): try: metric = metric.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass if metric == "mahalanobis": if "VI" not in kwargs: kwargs["VI"] = dask.array.linalg.inv(dask.array.cov(X.T)).T elif metric == "seuclidean": if "V" not in kwargs: kwargs["V"] = dask.array.var(X, axis=0, ddof=1) result = squareform(cdist(X, X, metric, **kwargs), force="tovec") return result
[docs]def squareform(X, force="no"): """ Converts between dense and sparse distance matrices Args: X: 2-D square symmetric matrix or 1-D vector of distances force: whether to force to a vector or a matrix Returns: array: 1-D vector or 2-D square symmetric matrix of distances """ X = _compat._asarray(X) try: force = force.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass conv = force if force not in ["tovec", "tomatrix"]: if X.ndim == 1: conv = "tomatrix" elif X.ndim == 2: conv = "tovec" else: raise ValueError("X must be a vector or a square matrix.") if conv == "tovec": if X.ndim != 2 or X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError("X must be a square matrix.") elif conv == "tomatrix": if X.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("X must be a vector.") if conv == "tomatrix": d = (1.0 + numpy.sqrt(1.0 + 8.0 * float(len(X)))) / 2.0 d = int(numpy.round(d)) if (d * (d - 1)) != (2 * len(X)): raise ValueError("Unacceptable length for X.") X_tri = [] j1 = 0 for j2 in _pycompat.irange(d - 1, 0, -1): X_tri.append(X[j1:j1 + j2]) j1 += j2 z = dask.array.zeros((1, 1), dtype=X.dtype, chunks=(1, 1)) result = z for i in _pycompat.irange(d - 2, -1, -1): X_tri_i = X_tri[i] result = result.rechunk(2 * X_tri_i.chunks) result = dask.array.concatenate( [ dask.array.concatenate([z, X_tri_i[None]], axis=1), dask.array.concatenate([X_tri_i[:, None], result], axis=1) ], axis=0 ) elif conv == "tovec": result = [ X[i, i + 1:] for i in range(0, len(X) - 1) ] if result: result = dask.array.concatenate(result) else: result = dask.array.empty((0,), dtype=X.dtype, chunks=(1,)) return result
####################################### # # # Numeric vector distance functions # # # #######################################
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def braycurtis(u, v): """ Finds the Bray-Curtis distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ \sum_{i} \lvert u_{i} - v_{i} \\rvert } { \sum_{i} \lvert u_{i} + v_{i} \\rvert } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: Bray-Curtis distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = abs(u - v).sum(axis=-1) / abs(u + v).sum(axis=-1) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def canberra(u, v): """ Finds the Canberra distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \sum_{i} \\frac{ \lvert u_{i} - v_{i} \\rvert } { \lvert u_{i} \\rvert + \lvert v_{i} \\rvert } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: Canberra distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = (abs(u - v) / (abs(u) + abs(v))).sum(axis=-1) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def chebyshev(u, v): """ Finds the Chebyshev distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \max_{i} \lvert u_{i} - v_{i} \\rvert Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: Chebyshev distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = abs(u - v).max(axis=-1) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def cityblock(u, v): """ Finds the City Block (Manhattan) distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \sum_{i} \lvert u_{i} - v_{i} \\rvert Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: City Block (Manhattan) distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = abs(u - v).sum(axis=-1) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def correlation(u, v): """ Finds the correlation distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: 1 - \\frac{ (u - \\bar{u}) \cdot (v - \\bar{v}) } { \lVert u - \\bar{u} \\rVert_{2} \lVert v - \\bar{v} \\rVert_{2} } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: correlation distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) u_mean = u.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) v_mean = v.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) result = 1 - ( ((u - u_mean) * (v - v_mean)).sum(axis=-1) / ( (abs(u - u_mean) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 * (abs(v - v_mean) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 ) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def cosine(u, v): """ Finds the Cosine distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: 1 - \\frac{ u \cdot v } { \lVert u \\rVert_{2} \lVert v \\rVert_{2} } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: Cosine distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = 1 - ( (u * v).sum(axis=-1) / ( (abs(u) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 * (abs(v) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 ) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def euclidean(u, v): """ Finds the Euclidean distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \lVert u - v \\rVert_{2} Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: Euclidean distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = (abs(u - v) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) ** 0.5 return result
[docs]def mahalanobis(u, v, VI): """ Finds the Mahalanobis distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \sqrt{ (u - v) \cdot V^{-1} \cdot (u - v)^{T} } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays VI: Inverse of the covariance matrix Returns: float: Mahalanobis distance """ VI = _compat._asarray(VI) if VI.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("VI must have a dimension of 2.") U, V = _utils._broadcast_uv(u, v) U = U.astype(float) V = V.astype(float) VI = VI.astype(float) U_sub_V = U - V result = dask.array.sqrt( (dask.array.tensordot(U_sub_V, VI, axes=1) * U_sub_V).sum(axis=-1) ) result = _utils._unbroadcast_uv(u, v, result) return result
[docs]def minkowski(u, v, p): """ Finds the Minkowski distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \left( \sum_{i} \lvert u_{i} - v_{i} \\rvert^{p} \\right)^{\\frac{1}{p}} Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays p: degree of the norm to use Returns: float: Minkowski distance """ U, V = _utils._broadcast_uv(u, v) p = _compat._asarray(p) U = U.astype(float) V = V.astype(float) p = p.astype(float) result = (abs(U - V) ** p).sum(axis=-1) ** (1 / p) result = _utils._unbroadcast_uv(u, v, result) return result
[docs]def seuclidean(u, v, V): """ Finds the standardized Euclidean distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \sqrt{\sum_{i} \left( \\frac{\left( u_{i} - v_{i} \\right)^{2}}{V_{i}} \\right)} Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays V: 1-D array of variances Returns: float: standardized Euclidean """ var = V del V var = _compat._asarray(var) if var.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("V must have a dimension of 1.") U, V = _utils._broadcast_uv(u, v) Var = var[None, None].repeat(U.shape[0], axis=0).repeat(U.shape[1], axis=1) U = U.astype(float) V = V.astype(float) Var = Var.astype(float) result = dask.array.sqrt(((abs(U - V) ** 2) / Var).sum(axis=-1)) result = _utils._unbroadcast_uv(u, v, result) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def sqeuclidean(u, v): """ Finds the squared Euclidean distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \lVert u - v \\rVert_{2}^{2} Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays Returns: float: squared Euclidean distance """ u = u.astype(float) v = v.astype(float) result = (abs(u - v) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) return result
[docs]def wminkowski(u, v, p, w): """ Finds the weighted Minkowski distance between two 1-D arrays. .. math:: \left( \sum_{i} \lvert w_{i} \cdot (u_{i} - v_{i}) \\rvert^{p} \\right)^{ \\frac{1}{p} } Args: u: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays v: 1-D array or collection of 1-D arrays p: degree of the norm to use w: 1-D array of weights Returns: float: Minkowski distance """ p = _compat._asarray(p) w = _compat._asarray(w) if w.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("w must have a dimension of 1.") U, V = _utils._broadcast_uv(u, v) W = w[None, None].repeat(U.shape[0], axis=0).repeat(U.shape[1], axis=1) U = U.astype(float) V = V.astype(float) p = p.astype(float) W = W.astype(float) result = (abs(W * (U - V)) ** p).sum(axis=-1) ** (1 / p) result = _utils._unbroadcast_uv(u, v, result) return result
##################################################### # # # Boolean vector distance/dissimilarity functions # # # #####################################################
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def dice(u, v): """ Finds the Dice dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ c_{TF} + c_{FT} }{ 2 \cdot c_{TT} + c_{TF} + c_{FT} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Dice dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) uv_mismtch = uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1] result = ( (uv_mismtch) / (2 * uv_cmp[1, 1] + uv_mismtch) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def hamming(u, v): """ Finds the Hamming distance between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ c_{TF} + c_{FT} }{ c_{TT} + c_{TF} + c_{FT} + c_{FF} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Hamming distance """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result = ( (uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1]) / (uv_cmp.sum(axis=(0, 1))) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def jaccard(u, v): """ Finds the Jaccard-Needham dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ c_{TF} + c_{FT} }{ c_{TT} + c_{TF} + c_{FT} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Jaccard-Needham dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) uv_mismtch = uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1] result = ( (uv_mismtch) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + uv_mismtch) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def kulsinski(u, v): """ Finds the Kulsinski dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) + c_{FF} } { c_{TT} + 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) + c_{FF} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Kulsinski dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result_numer = 2 * (uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1]) + uv_cmp[0, 0] result = ( (result_numer) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + result_numer) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def rogerstanimoto(u, v): """ Finds the Rogers-Tanimoto dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) } { c_{TT} + 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) + c_{FF} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Rogers-Tanimoto dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result_numer = 2 * (uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1]) result = ( (result_numer) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + result_numer + uv_cmp[0, 0]) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def russellrao(u, v): """ Finds the Russell-Rao dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ c_{TF} + c_{FT} + c_{FF} } { c_{TT} + c_{TF} + c_{FT} + c_{FF} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Russell-Rao dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result_numer = uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1] + uv_cmp[0, 0] result = ( (result_numer) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + result_numer) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def sokalmichener(u, v): """ Finds the Sokal-Michener dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) } { c_{TT} + 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) + c_{FF} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Sokal-Michener dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result_numer = 2 * (uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1]) result = ( (result_numer) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + result_numer + uv_cmp[0, 0]) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def sokalsneath(u, v): """ Finds the Sokal-Sneath dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) } { c_{TT} + 2 \cdot \left(c_{TF} + c_{FT}\\right) } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Sokal-Sneath dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) result_numer = 2 * (uv_cmp[1, 0] + uv_cmp[0, 1]) result = ( (result_numer) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] + result_numer) ) return result
[docs]@_utils._broadcast_uv_wrapper def yule(u, v): """ Finds the Yule dissimilarity between two 1-D bool arrays. .. math:: \\frac{ 2 \cdot c_{TF} \cdot c_{FT} } { c_{TT} \cdot c_{FF} + c_{TF} \cdot c_{FT} } where :math:`c_{XY} = \sum_{i} \delta_{u_{i} X} \delta_{v_{i} Y}` Args: u: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays v: 1-D bool array or collection of 1-D bool arrays Returns: float: Yule dissimilarity """ uv_cmp = _utils._bool_cmp_cnts(u, v) uv_prod_mismtch = uv_cmp[1, 0] * uv_cmp[0, 1] result = ( (2 * uv_prod_mismtch) / (uv_cmp[1, 1] * uv_cmp[0, 0] + uv_prod_mismtch) ) return result